Cinta Senese

The Cinta Senese is a very ancient Italian breed of pig – which derives its name from its distribution area , the hills of Siena – and probably reared in Roman times. The breed is very hardy and durable that needs no special care. The body is slender and slim , while the limbs , long, appear robust with respect to the trunk of the animal. The head is elongated and has a straight profile and the muzzle is tapered . The colors of the coat is dark in color with a band of white fur around the chest of the animal. Particular and ancient breed of pig called , precisely, Cinta Senese . Boundary ( or belt ) Siena because of a kind of belt hair more clear in half of the body of the animal. The animals are bred in the wild in many farms on Montagnola (or Montemaggio ) . Their meats are dry , with little fat and very tasty . It is a cross between the wild boar ham and the pork . The Cinta Senese produces high quality meat , whose characteristics are appreciated for transformation into salami unmistakable flavor.